Monday, January 4, 2016

Life in Motion - Official Hiatus

My life right now is coffee and escapism.
[Edit: So in the midst of the holidays I accidentally let my domain name ( expire so I'm back to my BlogSpot url ( for now. Due to a woeful lack of experience I originally signed-up with who are I've found out are less than reputable. When my domain name lapsed I was going to renew it but wanted a whopping $65 to renew all said and done (normal is $10-$20). I tried to transfer to a more reputable site ( but found that the WHOIS data (which basically public registry information containing data about the website owner including contact info) was altered because default opts you into a WHOIS privacy thing which meant the listed email was not mine but one owned by (WHOIS privacy seems to be fairly common. Basically instead of listing your private info the company lists their info and entities/individuals who want to contact you are supposed to contact the company and, I assume, the company either handles it or notifies you.) Either way I needed to accept a confirmation email and because my email wasn't the one listed there was no way I could transfer my domain. I tried to change the WHOIS data but apparently I can't do that if the domain is expired. Man, I've learned a lot about domains in the last week! So, I was going to renew my domain but you know what, screw that. I'd rather let languish until it becomes publicly available again rather than pay those bastards such an exorbitant price. Spiteful? Yes. Yes I am, but if you disagree with something you might as well make a point of not supporting it. With any luck will be available in a month or so. If not, oh well, I might just have to look into a different web address.]

Hey everyone, I'm not sure how many people still stop by these days (other than the huge number of bots from Russia according to my analytics) but for those of you who do, you have my thanks. I've never had a huge following so I appreciate those of you who take the time to check for my sporadic updates.

Life has been increasingly tiring  and steadily busier of late. I've felt burnt-out recently and I haven't been reading at all, which is why I haven't made any updates in a long while. No reading = nothing to post about. Unfortunately I'm at a point where I'm dissatisfied with my work and my brain won't let me just push through that. Work sucks the energy right out of me and I feel completely useless by the time I get home. I'm actively working to change my circumstances but it's a slow process and I just haven't had the time nor the energy to put into NBU.

I'd like to return to No Book Unread eventually, but I feel it's for the best that I place this blog on hiatus. I am in the midst of selling our house, planning a move from Maine to Arizona, finishing a number of home repairs, and looking for new work. Until I can cross most of those off my to-do list I doubt that I'll be doing much book blogging. If things work out though I could have a lot more time in the future to work on my writing (and reading).

For those of you who enjoy my writing I do still write. If you would like to read some of my stuff that isn't necessarily book-centric I update sporadically on: .

No One Will Recall is centered mostly on short and/or fun pieces so that I don't fall out of writing altogether. I'm a bit more ranty over there and a little less structured, and also a fair amount more cynical/sarcastic, but truth be told I think that my writing is a lot more readable for it.

Hope to see you once my hiatus is over.


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